Developing the Psychomotor Skills of Children With Autism is Now Easier RCA RCA Software RCASoftware
Ulusal Ajans

8-10 of July, the Faculty of Education and The State Conservatory at the Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University organized the Summer School for Autism and Music where the team of our project was invited. The project Coordinator Assist. Prof. Dr Nergis Ramo Akgün and Assoc. Prof. Dr Muzaffer Özdemir presented the project together in two parts. The first part was for explaining the project and the project activities in general and in the second part the attendance could see the demo version of the software. We also showed some of the exercises and explained how the software works with kinekt.


It was our pleasure to attend this summer school because we had a chance to meet with the parents and their children with Autism and discuss about the common problems, they face every day. We also attended the concert of the persons with Autism and we saw their amazing talents. By the end of the summer school, we also discussed with the parents about some of the projects that should be done in future.

We would like to thank the Conservatory Director – Uğur Turkmen for inviting us on this event. It was our pleasure to be there.
