Developing the Psychomotor Skills of Children With Autism is Now Easier RCA RCA Software RCASoftware
Ulusal Ajans
Canakkale Technopark
Canakkale Technopark
Piriteknoloji Company in ÇOMÜ Technopark
Piriteknoloji Company in ÇOMÜ Technopark

Piriteknoloji is a company that is carrying out research and development (R & D) activities in a Technopark located in Çanakkale, Turkey. The company was founded in 2018 by a professor at the Faculty of Education of The Canakkale 18 Mart University and a teacher at a private school. The company employs 6 staff and 5 of them are studying for their master's degree in Computer and Instructional Technologies at The University of Canakkale 18 Mart. Besides, one of the staff members has carried out and taken part in many EU projects.

The company has completed 1 R & D project within one year and one project is in progress. It also produces laboratory automation systems and artificial intelligence-based software, as well as educational augmented and virtual reality systems and instructional content development. Atlas Software Laboratory Automation system, the company's first R&D project, has been preferred and used actively by 6 major universities in Turkey. Currently, the company is developing an artificial intelligence-supported virtual reality learning environment to decrese the anxiety of learning foreign languages through an R &D project that has been accepted by Teknopark. The company also carries out consultancy activities on Erasmus Plus with its experienced personnel in EU projects. It also cooperates with local NGOs on this issue.

In addition to R&D and consultancy activities, the company established a subsidiary activity area to transfer its technological knowledge and skills to the community and established a Technology Training Center in Çanakkale, Turkey. In this center, the company teaches children and adults technology, robotics, coding, 3-D game design and 3-D modeling. More than 60 students are currently studying in this center.

RCA Software Project Team of Piriteknoloji Company

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muzaffer ÖZDEMİR
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muzaffer ÖZDEMİ
Muzaffer ÖZDEMİR got his Ph.D. from Institute of Science and Technology at the Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University (ÇOMÜ) in 2008. He received his master’s degree from Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University at the same Institute. He has been working as an Associate professor at the Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University (Computer Education & Instructional Technology). His research interests include "Computer and Instructional Technology", "Human Computer Interaction", "STEM", "Robotics Coding" and "Using Augmented and Virtual Reality in Education". He worked as a visitor professor in Florida State University. Currently, he has an active role in the establishment of our university’s distance learning center. He has been teaching both undergraduate courses such as “Instructional Technologies and Material Design”, “Graphics and Animation in Education” and graduate courses such as "E-Learning and Applications”, “Using “Augmented and Virtual Reality in Education”. Ozdemir, took part in a number of projects carried out between Development Agencies and National Education Directorates in Turkey. The names of these projects are given below. “"STEM, Coding and Robotics education in Preschool", "STEM Teachers of the 21st Century", “"Use of STEM Applications in Education and Training of Trainers", "I'm coding my ideas and I'm shaping my future". He also carried out projects related to the use of Augmented and Virtual Reality in education. The names of these projects are given below. "Using Virtual Reality as a Training Tool to Gain Programming Skills", "Development of Virtual reality and Augmented Reality applications that will provide pedestrian safety and traffic training to children aged 3-14"
Yahya Doğan
Yahya Doğ
Yahya DOĞAN (co-founder of Piriteknoloji) graduated from the Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technologies at Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University in 2017. He is currently a student of Masters in same department. He is studying on robot development for preschool children's unplug coding activities. He has been teaching computer science, robotics and coding at a private college in Canakkale for 3 years. He took part in 6 TUBITAK projects carried out at The Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University. He has also been involved in projects in the fields of Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. He's working on image processing, object recognition, facial recognition projects.
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University
Cyril and Methodius University- Skopje
Cyril and Methodius University- Skopje
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
Piriteknoloji Company
Piriteknoloji Company