The Bulgarian team had two types of meetings with the youth workers – individual and common. First they met each of the students individually and had a technical (organizational) conversation where they presented the general project framework in terms of aims and objectives, activities, deadlines and they also explained the particular tasks for the youth workers. On those meetings, they managed to take permission from the heads of some special education and therapy settings to organize a demonstration of the software demo version.
Then they organized two common meetings with the youth workers that took place online because of the pandemic and the lockdown situation in Bulgaria. On the first meeting, they presented the theoretical framework of psychomotor development and education for children with typical development compared to children with disabilities. They had a topic on autism spectrum disorder and a topic on the goals of psychomotor reeducation for children with ASD from a neuropsychological perspective. Then they showed the demo version of the software to the students and asked them to analyze and comment on possible changes and improvements. At the end of the meeting, they arranged the way how every student should make approbation with children with ASD from 5 to 12 years old in some special education settings. On the second meeting, a week after the first one, they discussed the results from the pilot approbation of the exercises. Students were asked to comment on the reactions of the children, the parents (if possible) and other specialists who saw the demo. At the end they summarized the recommendations.

- The Bulgarian Team is having meetings with the youth workers.
- Third Project Meeting (05.02.2021)
- Second Project Meeting (08.01.2021)
- First project meeting (19.12.2020)
- Introducing Our Project at ÇOMÜ
- Our Project in Bulgaria News
- Canakkale News Newspaper Introduces Our Project
- Presentation of our project by Canakkale Web News
- News of the University in Macedonia.... on the last page
- Youth workers activities have started
- Macedonian team meeting
- The Turkish teams started trying the demo of the software on children with Autism