Developing the Psychomotor Skills of Children With Autism is Now Easier RCA RCA Software RCASoftware
Ulusal Ajans
On 26,27 and 28 of August, the teams from Bulgaria and Macedonia attended the first kick-off meeting in Çanakkale. 
The teams from the partner countries together with their coordinators were invited by the Rector of Çanakkale 18 Mart University Prof. Dr. Sedat Murat. At the meeting, the Vice-Rector Prof. Dr.Bunyamin Bacak and the General Secretary Associated Prof. Dr. Cuneyt Erenoğlu were also present.
Before the official opening, all the teams involved in the project were invited to the Rectors office, the teams exchanged gifts from their countries and had the opportunity to explain the activities of the project.
Later, at the Faculty of Education Conference hall, all the academics from the University were invited for the project's opening.
The Faculty of Education Dean Prof. Dr. Salih Zeki Genç pointed out that the students with autism, have recently been able to receive a more accurate education with the support of our project and gave information about the project processes. Stating that special education is very important, Dean Prof. Dr. Genç said, "I am proud to be involved in a project that will contribute to children with autism in the future."
Making a speech at the opening, ÇOMÜ Rector Prof. Dr. Sedat Murat stated the following “These projects are very valuable these days when we act with the vision of being a research university. The Faculty of Education is one of our faculties that produces the most projects. We want our project numbers to increase even more.
Every project that is realized for the disadvantaged group or our children with autism will benefit the whole country and even the world, especially their families. In this context, I would like to thank our project partners from other countries and the and project coordinator.”
The coordinator of the project Assist. Prof. Dr Nergis Ramo Akgün presented the project and the meeting continued with the presentations of the project partners. The meeting was closed with Assoc. Prof. Dr Muzaffer Özdemir presentation of the demo version of the software. The software was presented in four languages.
The summary of the meeting can be seen here: